Setup of LabNEXT Washing / Drying Module
LabNEXT washing / drying unit consists of two chambers - washing and drying encapsulated in a single body.
The washing chamber filled with washing liquid, usually water or 10% ethanol.
In order to provide circulation of the washing liquid the washing chamber has two fittings used to connect
IN and OUT pipes.
The lower pipe used for feeding the chamber with clean liquid and the higher pipe is for removing the
liquid from the chamber. The height of the OUT pipe limits the level of liquid in the washing chamber.
There are two ways of feeding the washing chamber with the liquid and removing used liquid from it.
Pump Feeding with a Double Head Peristaltic Pump.
In this mode one contour is used for feeding the washing chamber with clean washing liquid from the
reservoir. It mast be connected to the lower IN fitting. The second contour connector to the OUT fitting
used for removing the liquid from the chamber. In order to prevent the chamber form overflowing the OUT
flow must exceed the IN flow. This can be reached either by using peristaltic heads with different
diameters of the tubes or by using the flow control valve with the IN tube.
Free Flow Feeding from a Reservoir
Free Flow Feeding from a reservoir that places higher than the level of liquid in the washing chamber.
In this case the IN tube connects to the reservoir and the OUT tube to vacuum outlet. Vacuum is used for
removing used liquid from the chamber. The flow control valve intended for adjusting the flow of the
liquid from the reservoir and prevent excessive flow that can cause overflow of the chamber. The flow of
the liquid may vary depend on the height the reservoir is installed.
In order to prevent washing chamber from overflowing the vacuum power must be sufficient to consume
amount of water that comes form the water reservoir. The cut-off valve used to shut-off feeding of the
chamber with the washing liquid without changing settings of the flow control valve.
Shut down the washing liquid first and only after that turn
off the vacuum source. When starting operations first turn on the vacuum and then allow the washing
liquid to run into the chamber).
Vacuum Dryer Connection
Vacuum dryer requires an external vacuum source to operate. We do not provide a vacuum pump with the
arrayer. It should be purchased separately. Alternatively a central vacuum ( available in many labs ) can
be used.
A wide range of household or industrial grade vacuum pumps can be used with the the microarrayer.
There are no specific requirements to the level vacuum because the pump should provide airflow, not vacuum.
Recommended Parameters for the Vacuum Pump
- Minimal throughput: 5 Liters per Minute ( or higher )
- Oil-less construction ( cheaper, lighter, easier to maintain ) However oil pumps can be used as well.
Example of a good vacuum pump: